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Ts and Cs:

Herts Young Sopranos and Altos
Conditions of Membership
Revised 2021

1. Choir Setup and Membership
HYSA (formerly the North Herts All Girls Choir) is a business owned and run by Laura McHugh.
Choir Directors: Musical Director - Laura McHugh, Performance Director - Kelly Doggett.
i) Members are aged between 11 and 19.
ii) Membership of the choir will not exceed 30 girls.
iii) The choir is divided into harmony parts. Members are invited to select a part to sing in, but may be
moved at any time. Moving between parts will be encouraged in order to widen the vocal range of each
iv) Each part may have a minimum of two, and a maximum of eight members.
v) Membership will be discontinued if a member is disruptive during practices, or disrespectful to choir
leaders or other members. Fees will not be refunded.
vi) Membership will be discontinued if a member is continually late or absent with no explanation. Fees
will not be refunded.

2. Fees
i) Fees are £72.00 per term. This can be paid in two installments of £36.00 if necessary. This must be
discussed before the start of term.
ii) Fees go towards covering the cost of rehearsal hall hire, insurance, tuition, NAC (National Association
of Choirs) membership, accompanists, folders and sheet music. Fees are not based on a weekly or hourly
iii) Fees do not cover the cost of uniform, concert tickets or any trips.
iv) Fees are due on the first day of term.
v) The weekly ‘pay as you go’ system is only for former members of the choir aged over 18.
vi) If a member joins part-way through a term, full fees will be due if they join in the first four weeks of
term. If they join after four weeks, a reduced fee will be decided based on how much of the term they will
vii) Anyone may try the choir for one session at no charge. If, after their free trial, they become a member,
then full, part or half fees will be due, based on when their trial took place. If they do not join us, nothing
will be owed. If a girl is not offered membership, a full explanation will be given, but the directors’
decision is final.
viii) If a member wishes to leave part-way through a term, reduced fees will be discussed, on condition that
notice is given before the start of the term.
ix) No fees will be refunded, unless in exceptional circumstances.
x) Reduced fees for members from low-income households may be discussed in confidence and arranged at
Laura’s discretion.
xi) Fees may change as necessary, and at Laura’s discretion. Notice will be given.

3. Attendance
A high level of commitment and professionalism is expected from the members.
i) If a member is unable to attend choir practice, or is going to be late, she is required to let the directors
know via phone or email. Please don’t send messages via other members or via social media.
ii) If a member is unable to attend a concert, a minimum of four weeks notice must be given.
iii) Mobile phones are only to be used during the break, unless they are being used for recording.
iv) Members should arrive at least ten minutes before the start of rehearsal, so that the warm-up can begin
on time.

4. Uniform and Equipment
i) Concert shirts and hoodies are not mandatory, but may be ordered at any time.
ii) Once purchased, uniform (including items such as special event T-Shirts, hair accessories etc) becomes
the property and responsibility of the member. Damaged or lost items must be replaced by the member.
iii) Concert shirts may be borrowed for performances, but they remain the property of the choir, and must
be returned, washed, to the directors. Borrowed shirts which have been damaged or lost must be paid for by
the member.
iv) Folders are provided by choir directors. Damaged or lost folders can be replaced at the cost of £1.
Members may provide their own folders if they wish, but they must be pink.
v) All sheet music is provided by choir directors. Only one copy of each song will be provided per member.
Lost or damaged music must be replaced by the member. Copies may be downloaded from the choir
dropbox account.

5. Concerts, Performances and Soloists
i) Dress code for each concert may vary, but default dress code is all black with black or pink shoes. Hair
does not have to be tied back, but must not be covering members’ faces.
ii) The choir will have two public concerts per year - one at the end of the Christmas
term, and one in the Summer term. Other performance opportunities throughout the year
may include competitions or guest slots at the concerts of other organisations.
Members are not obliged to perform at these other events, but participation will be encouraged.
iii) Tickets are priced according to the cost of venue and other expenses. An attempt is always made to keep
ticket prices for concerts as low as possible.
iv) Solo songs - if a solo song is being auditioned for, the slots are generally awarded to those who have
done the most preparation for the audition. Longevity of membership is not a factor, and solos are not a
given right. Short solos during songs can be volunteered for during rehearsal, or allocated by directors.

6. Personal Details of Members
i) Choir directors must be provided with at least two contact telephone numbers, and at least one email
address for each member. Most communication with parents will be done via email.
ii) Choir directors must be made aware of any conditions which affect singing or sight-reading, such as
asthma or dyslexia.

7. Child Protection (full policy below)
i) Photos and videos of members under the age of 18 will only be taken and used with parental permission.
ii) Directors, accompanists and any guest teachers or chaperones will have an up-to-date DBS check. In the
event that any do not, they will be supervised.
iii) Photos and videos of members will be used, with parental permission, on the choir website, and on
social media and youtube, for marketing purposes.
iv) COVID-19: Since September 2020, measures have been in place to minimise the risk to health. Details
can be found below.

8. Awards
i) After three years of membership, members receive a personalized silver medal. After four years of
membership, members receive a personalized gold medal. For each year of membership thereafter,
members will receive a personalized gift, chosen by the directors.
ii) The ‘Member of the Year’ award is awarded at the Christmas concert, and the recipient is chosen by the
directors. The recipient will be a member who has shown reliability, commitment, loyalty, enthusiasm and
improvement over the year.

Child Protection Policy

Safeguarding/Child Protection Policy 


HYSA is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our members. We pledge to create a positive and supportive atmosphere, be vigilant regarding the behaviour of both leaders and members, and we aim to at all times to be good role models to our members, and always approachable should there be any problems. 

Leaders are DBS checked, and have worked with young people in many different environments, undertaking safeguarding training, first aid training, and child protection training at various establishments. 

As in all groups catered to young people, child welfare is paramount. Leaders have been trained to respond appropriately and sensitively to any safeguarding concerns. Any concerns we have about a child will be recorded in writing, and referrals to Children’s Service Social Care/Police will be made when necessary. 

Photos and videos of the members will only ever be made with written permission from parents/guardians, and only used on social media/promotional material with the same. 

Designated Safeguarding Lead for HYSA is Laura McHugh.

COVID-19 Policy

From Autumn 2020, we will be taking the following steps to mitigate the risk to health posed by COVID-19:

1. Members will be seated 2m away from each other at rehearsals (including during the break). (Rule relaxed from Sept 2021)
2. There will be limited hand-to-hand distribution of sheet music this term. Music will be available for members to either print at home, or read from a tablet at rehearsals if they prefer. When music is given out, both parties will use hand-sanitiser before and after handling.
3. Members will all face the same direction while singing, and keep volume low to reduce spread of aerosol droplets from the mouth.
4. For the same reason, leaders will wear visors while teaching parts/demonstrating technique (unless facing away from members). (Rule relaxed from Sept 2021)
5. Members are welcome to wear masks or visors at their discretion.
6. Any public performances will be dependent on current government advice for the region.
7. Backs of chairs, door handles, window handles, piano keys, and any other equipment used during the session will be wiped down.
8. Members will be encouraged to use hand sanitiser regularly during sessions.
9. Members will be reminded not to sit too close during break, and to avoid sharing food or drink.
10. Members are asked not to attend if they have a high temperature, or if they or their family members are experiencing any other symptoms relating to COVID-19.

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